The Nationwide Meeting ‘Realizing Energy-Saving Potential to Ensure the Success of the Housing and Urban Environment National Project’, held on 3 October 2018 as part of Russian Energy Week, will discuss the key issues of housing and utilities development and the formation of a modern and comfortable urban environment.
Participants will discuss the priority goals of the national project to improve housing stock conditions, discuss their experiences implementing programmes aimed at rehousing citizens living in unfit housing in the federal subjects of the Russian Federation, and present real examples of energy efficient construction for developing urban spaces.
“The Housing and Urban Environment national project currently being launched proposes a large scale, structural transformation of urban management. We are talking about a new urban policy, where the resettlement of people living in unfit housing is part of comprehensive territorial development. The freed-up land parcels must be used to achieve the government’s other social goals: creating affordable housing for people on the affordable housing waiting list, attracting an investor and developer focusing on problematic mortgage housing construction, or improving the urban environment. The unique international platform that is Russian Energy Week provides us, legislators, with a place to discuss new ideas and work on solutions to further the ambitious housing policy goals set by the president,” commented Alexander Sidyakin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing and Communal Services, on the upcoming meeting.
Budgetary allocations for implementing the Accessible and Comfortable Housing and Utilities for Citizens of the Russian Federation Programme will equal 173.6 billion roubles in 2019, 169.9 billion roubles in 2020, and 167.1 billion roubles in 2021.
Sergei Stepashin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund, stressed the importance of having an open discussion on stimulating housing construction and the best energy efficiency practices for new housing during Russian Energy Week. According to Stepashin, Russian Energy Week has proven itself to be an “effective expert platform”.
“Specialists in the field and representatives of executive bodies and social organizations have the opportunity to discuss a wide range of issues related to utilities- and construction-related energy efficiency and energy saving, to present their best practices from implemented projects and to exchange experiences through a constructive dialogue,” said Sergei Stepashin.