Russia and Uzbekistan cooperate on peaceful applications of atomic energy

April 3, 2018

Intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Uzbekistan on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy usage for civilian purposes came into effect on Sunday, 1 April, according to the publication at the official website on legal information.

The document was signed on 27 December 2017 by Aleksey Likhachev, Rosatom State Corporation Director General, and Nordir Otazhonov, Deputy Prime-Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The cooperation implies development and improvement of national infrastructure and personnel training for Uzbekistan nuclear energy sector, construction of nuclear plants and research reactors as well as their life cycle maintenance.

Special attention has been paid to the exploration and development of uranium mines based on the raw material reserve examination, the reclamation of uranium tailing storage facilities, the production of radio isotopes and their application in industry, medicine, and agriculture, as well as scientific and fundamental research. Within the framework of the agreement, joint work teams will develop and complete specific projects and scientific research involving exchange of specialists. 

It is worth noting that the delegation from Uzbekistan was one of the largest at the Russian Energy Week 2017 International Forum. The delegation was headed by Gulomzhon Ibragimov, Deputy Prime-Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who has been the chief of administration in Tashkent region since 30 October 2017. The politician took part in the panel discussion World Petrochemical Markets: Opportunities For Russia.    
