Press centre

/ / Press centre


The press centre of the Russian Energy Week International Forum 2024 is a modern interactive venue offering a comfortable working environment for media representatives. It is located on the 1st floor of the Manege Central Exhibition Hall and on the 1st floor of Gostiny Dvor. Members of the media, representatives of informational partner companies and employees of the host broadcaster company who have been accredited for REW and received a badge at one of the accreditation points have the right to work in the press centre.


26–28 September, с 08:00 до 20:00


Manege Central Exhibition Hall press centre

Total area:  180 m2
Location: press centre (1st floor, Manege Central Exhibition Hall)
Capacity: 66 seats 


Work area for media representatives. The hall has 66 seats, 10 of which are equipped with computers, as well as places where media representatives can connect their own technical equipment. There is no provision for media representatives or organizations to have workplaces personally assigned to them. During REW, live video broadcasts of the plenary session and other key Forum events will be organized in the media work area

Media dining area

To the right of the entrance to the press centre is the media dining area. Light refreshments will be available to media representatives throughout the day, and lunch will be served each day between 12:30 and 15:30.

Gostiny Dvor press centre

Total area: 45 m2
Location: press centre (1st floor, Gostiny Dvor)
Capacity: 14 seats 


Work area for media representatives. The hall has 14 seats, 3 of which are equipped with computers, as well as places where media representatives can connect their own technical equipment. There is no provision for media representatives or organizations to have workplaces personally assigned to them. 

Media dining area

The press centre will have a coffee station and a buffet line for media representatives.


To provide the most comfortable working environment for media representatives, the Forum venue has a hall for press briefings, as well as  signing ceremony points, combined with press points.


Information and services points

In front of the entrance to the press centre (1st floor, Manege Central Exhibition Hall; 1st floor, Gostiny Dvor) are information and services points where media representatives can get information on admission to Forum events, changes to the programme, the services available and announcements of Forum press events. 


Free Wi-Fi internet access is available throughout the press centre.

Network REW-2024

The REW 2024 network can be accessed according to the instructions on the authorization page displayed when connecting to the network.