Rules for media accreditation

/ / Rules for media accreditation

Accreditation rules for media representatives at the Russian Energy Week International Forum

1. General provisions

1.1. Accreditation of representatives of the media and blogosphere at the Russian Energy Week International Forum (REW) is carried out in order to ensure appropriate conditions for said representatives to prepare and disseminate complete and accurate information about events held as part of REW.

1.2. Accreditation of representatives of the media and blogosphere is a prerequisite to attending and working at any REW event.

1.3. In the course of their work, representatives of the media and blogosphere must respect the rights and lawful interests of REW participants and staff, and comply with generally accepted ethical standards.

1.4. In order to ensure the most comfortable working conditions and prompt access to all necessary resources, and in view of the considerable media interest in REW and the limited infrastructure capabilities of the event venue, the number of representatives of the media and blogosphere that REW is able to accommodate is limited.

1.5. REW 2024 will adhere to all COVID-19 safety requirements and recommendations set out by the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The REW Organizing Committee reserves the right to set the number of representatives of the media and blogosphere based on sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Please follow updates on the official REW website and information contained in mailouts.

1.6. Media outlets and bloggers shall bear responsibility for the accuracy of information provided about their employees in accordance with Russian law.

2. Accreditation of representatives of the media and blogosphere

2.1. Submission and review of accreditation applications

2.2. Accreditation quotas for representatives of the media and blogosphere

The number of media representatives from the information partners of REW is determined in accordance with information partnership agreements.

2.3. Issuing accreditation badges to representatives of the media and blogosphere

2.4. Rules and regulations for access to REW events

3. Refusal of accreditation/h3>

The REW Organizing Committee reserves the right to deny accreditation without explanation.

4. Rights and responsibilities of representatives of the media and blogosphere accredited at REW

4.1. Rights of representatives of the media and blogosphere accredited at REW:

4.2. Responsibilities of accredited representatives of the media and blogosphere at REW: