Industry information partners

/ Partners 2023

Научно-производственный журнал «Автоматизация и IT в нефтегазовой области» - издание, которое представит читателям информацию не только о продуктах и средствах автоматизации, но в большей степени о сферах и сценариях их применения, а также опыте реализации задач автоматизации и разработки систем на конкретных примерах.

Professional scientific and technical quarterly magazine "Automation & IT in Power Engineering" was created specially for experts in power engineering highly interested in recent discoveries in automation and IT. Urgent, authentic and independent information in our magazine helps specialists in power engineering and IT- professionals to carry on a dialogue.

The Arctic Herald is an information and analytical journal, which writes about the state policy and practical actions of this country according to the Strategy of development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and to ensure national security until 2035. In this regard, the situation in economy, environment, infrastructure and transport, and the situation of indigenous peoples in our North are described in detail.

The journal, which has been issued since early 2012 on the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and with support of the Russian Geographical Society, considers politicians and high officials, who form Arctic policy of northern states, and scientific and business communities taking part in studying and developing the North, as well as regional managers to be one of target groups. According to available information, these circles consider the journal one of the main sources of information on this country’s policy in the North.

The scientific business portal "Nuclear 2.0" is the largest and most visited progressive digital media of the atomic industry in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, developed in cooperation with many business, governmental, educational, public and environmental organizations since 2008.

Our project is created as an open semantic nuclear knowledge management system and popularizes nuclear, thermonuclear, hydrogen, radiation and environmental technologies and innovations in Russia and the world.

Today the portal features over 140 000 multi-format publications and over 4,000 interactive topics, 2,500 organizations, 2 500 experts, 1,000 geographic terms and 1,000 industry events.

In 2021 the scientific business portal "Nuclear 2.0" won a bronze diploma for the first ever special prize of Rosatom State Corporation for the popularization of the nuclear industry within the the VII All-Russian Prize "For Fidelity to Science".

Media «Business of Russia» is a unique online platform that unites all the most important, relevant and useful information on the functioning of key sectors of the Russian economy, effective business management strategies, investment projects. The focus of the website – oil and gas, power and industrial complex. The readers – entrepreneurs, investors, managers – all those who not only wants to receive timely accurate information about the business, but he creates a new economic reality.

The journal publishes information on electric power industry scientific and technical development policies and strategy, technical re-equipment, ensuring reliability of the Unified Energy System of Russia, development of electric energy and capacity markets, tariff policies, renewable energy, improved legislation and regulatory frameworks in the industry. The journal is being presented to public at the largest industry events and exhibitions internationally.

Publishing house «Camelot Pablishing», working at the branch market for 20 years, offers to your attention scientific and technical journals «Gas Industry» (founder of the journal PJSC «Gazprom») and «Neftegaz Territory». For each of these publications, which are included in the list of the Highest Attestation Commission, is characterized by reliable and competent presentation of relevant industry information, scientific significance of published works, authority in the expert community.

Today under the brand «Gas Industry» - Neftegaz Territory there is a convergent edition, which produces not only the magazine, but also a number of digital projects in accordance with the requirements of the time. Their audience overlaps with the print media, but due to its audiovisual content and accessible presentation, it is constantly growing, including not only oil and gas industry employees, but also readers and viewers, who do not work at the enterprises of TEK, but are interested in his life. (YouTube-channel «Gas industry», telegram-channel Neftegaz Territory, public Vkontakte «Neftegaz Territory»).

International magazine "Business Russia: industry, transport, social life" covers a broad range of economic issues. It is an information platform for active and successful participants of the market. Among our readers are founders and managers of Russian companies and enterprises, heads of power structures. Magazine is published with circulation of 20 000 copies distributed directly by mail and represented at specialized exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

Национальный отраслевой журнал «Нефтегазовая вертикаль» издается более 27 лет. Занимает лидирующие позиции в сегменте нефтегазовых СМИ России.

С журналом сотрудничает свыше 500 экспертов и стейкхолдеров, определяющих облик и направления развития энергетики в России и мире. Персонами номера регулярно становятся лидеры бизнеса и профессионального сообщества, крупные представители федеральной и региональной власти, зарубежные чиновники высшего уровня.

Издание освещает национальную и международную повестку в нефтегазовой и энергетической отраслях, а так же активно расширяет тематику, связанную с достижением целей устойчивого развития и социальной ответственностью бизнеса.

Интернет-сайт издания является одним из самых посещаемых среди отраслевых СМИ в сфере ТЭК.

The «Oil and Gas Vertical» magazine is published for 27 years and holds a leading position in the Russian oil and gas media.

More than 500 experts and stakeholders responsible for the state and of energy development directions in Russia and in the world, cooperate with the magazine. The persons of the issue were leaders of business and the professional community, representatives of the federal and executive authorities, top-level foreign officials.

The magazine covers the national and international agenda in the oil & gas and energy industries, as well as actively expanding topics related to the achievement of sustainable development goals and social responsibility of business.

The website of the magazine is one of the most visited among the industry media in the fuel and energy sector.

‘Neft I Kapital’ (Oil & Capital) is a leading analytical journal about the oil and gas industries of Russia and neighboring countries. It has been published since 1994.The entire history of the region’s present-day oil sector is reflected in the history of the journal and in its pages. The journal covers every aspect of the oil and gas business: exploration, production, transportation, hydrocarbons refining and sales, regulation, taxation and business performance, and publishes statistics and market analysis. With a monthly run of 12,000 copies, the journal is read by executives, specialists and analysts in the oil, gas and related sectors, and by anybody with an interest in the fuel and energy complex. Copies are mailed direct to all the heads of the biggest oil and gas companies, the profile ministries, agencies and regulators. The news and analytics website,, has 500,000 unique visitors per month, and this number is constantly growing.

«Power Industry News» is an industry news agency that supplies up–to-date and current information about everything happening in the power market; you'll be able to learn all the events in the industry online as objectively as possible. The industry information portal «Power Industry News» publishes the latest news, expert forecasts, current research and analytical articles.

"" is analytical portal dedicated to energy in Russia and in the world. It is a specialized resource that is focused on problems and interests of the development of the Russian energy sector.

The portal contains news, analytical and reference information on the current state and development of the power industry and the energy sector as a whole. This allows us to meet the specific requirements and needs of the industrial community - we provide an opportunity for the publication and promotion of information that is often ignored by large business publications.

LAWTEK.RU is an Internet platform that unites projects in the mining industry and the fuel and energy complex of Russia

• Legal support of projects in the mining, oil and gas and energy sectors.

• Educational projects in land, water, forest, subsoil use, energy, taxation, procurement, construction (seminars, courses, workshops).

• Information projects: magazines "Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management", "Oil, Gas and Law", "Energy and Law".

• Practical conferences - the Forum "Taxes and Fuel and Energy Complex", the All-Russian Forum of Subsoil Users, "Digitalization of Subsoil Use".

• Internet projects: LAWTEK.RU

Monthly industrial engineering journal.

Included in the list of Higher Attestation Commission, the database of Russian Science Citation Index, Chemical Abstracts

Founders: Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation , Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System, Corporation Integral Electric Power Complex, Scientific and Technical Firm "Energoprogress", All-Russia Electra Trade Union, Noncommercial Partnership "Scientific and Technical Council of the Unified Energy System".

Included in the list of Higher Attestation Commission, the database of Russian Science Citation Index, Chemical Abstracts

The journal is meant for: Managers, engineers, specialists for energetic companies, local network companies, project, installation and commissioning organizations, leading energetics and specialists for energetic services of industrial companies, leading professors of high schools, training institutions and institutions for scientific research

Considers problems of economic stimulation for saving energy resources, innovative and tariff scale cost formation policy, organization of energy market, creating a system of energy saving management in regions, energy consumer and supplier economic relationships, alternative power sources

LLC "System Consulting" publishes the magazine "Regional Energy and Energy Saving", which covers the development of the electric power industry, energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement, scientific and technical achievements and social problems of the electric power industry. Special attention is paid to significant events in the industry.

The business magazine "TOCHKA OPORY" is published by the publishing house "ALMEGA". The main thematic issues of the publication are devoted to the construction industry, security, energy, oil and gas complex, automation, communications, housing and communal services. The magazine informs about important industry events, new products, innovative developments, contains reviews, essays, interviews. For 10 years, the successful media project "TOCHKA OPORY" has turned into an actual means of integration of Russian and foreign companies, an authoritative information resource for business, a source of professional solutions. The magazine is distributed by subscription, direct mail and at the largest exhibition sites in Moscow.

The Federal business magazine TEМ — monthly business edition, which informs about development of Russian regions, advanced ideas and technologies, activities of leading companies, business leaders. The magazine covers the events of the military-industrial, fuel and energy complexes, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, road management and other sectors of the economy.

Рrojects of the magazine are a unique platform for exchanging experience, an effective way to strengthen and develop partnerships between the main customers, suppliers and contractors.

We’ve been working successfully for 17 years already. During this time we purchased the range of loyal readers, which regularly use it as source of information and channel of company promotion.

Журнал "ТЭК России" — ведущее издание, ориентированное на руководителей компаний и специалистов топливно-энергетического комплекса. Специализируется на эксклюзивном и достоверном анализе состояния ТЭК России, основанном на оперативных статистических данных ЦДУ ТЭК — филиала РЭА Минэнерго России.

Federal Business Magazine is a business media. The Magazine has been published in Russia for more than 20 years, and one of the few business media has retained a monthly, printed version. The magazine is published 12 times a year in the format of a glossy A4 business magazine. The publication specializes in business and for business. We tell you what you need to know here and now to be an industry leader. We write about trends, successful business cases, innovations, interaction between government and business, provide in-depth analysis on the Russian and global economy, and attract experts who can be trusted. All this helps our audience to navigate the current agenda and improve business efficiency.

Экономика и жизнь. Универсальное деловое издание для ведения бизнеса. Издается с 1918 года.

Газета включает в себя основной выпуск и постоянные тематические приложения, ориентированные на практическую значимость для предприятий и организаций любых форм собственности и сфер деятельности:

• «ЭЖ-Бухгалтер», рассчитанное на практикующих бухгалтеров, аудиторов, работников налоговых органов.

• «ЭЖ-Юрист» - актуальные комментарии к документам, прямая связь с чиновниками, помощь ведущих юристов в решении ваших проблем, судебная практика.

Specialized scientific and technical magazine which publishes and distributes in Russia and CIS countries. The magazine is in the list of magazines of Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Each issue is distributed to subscribers in Russia, the amount of 10,000 copies.

The subscribers of the magazine — Rosneft, Gazprom, Lukoil, Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom Neft, Novatek, Russneft, Transneft and their units in Russia. Also the list of subscribers includes NOCs in Russia.

Distribution service constantly checks and updates information on the mailing list, which ensures the delivery of the magazine to the desired professional.

The monthly industrial and technical journal (Power Plants). The journal intend for chief executive officers and project managers, engineers, and energy specialists representing generation companies, hydro power plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants, thermal networks, divisions and branches of system operator of the United Power System and of the Federal Grid Company of United Energy System, electro technical engineering plants, research and design institutes for energy, as well as professors and university students.

The Journal covers not only the problems directly related to the operation of power stations, but considers the whole set problems pertaining to production, distribution and transportation of electric and heat energy.

In 2006, we resumed the publication of the journal "Energokhozyajstvo za rubezhom" ("Energy Industry Abroad")

"ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and Distribution" is the journal for power grid experts. The audience of the journal are the leaders and specialists of the largest power industry companies, sectoral research institutes and supervisory authority.

The journal is included in the List of approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in the first category by impact — K1).

The journal is organizer together with the Rosseti Group of Companies of the annual International Scientific and Technical Conference “Development and Reliability Improvement of Distribution Networks” and the Technical exhibition «EEPiR».

The journal provides its customers with a full range of information services, providing for:

– Placement of information and analytical articles in the journal.

– Organization business events with the formation of the Program and the involvement of leading experts in relevant areas.

– The publication of specialized literature.

Monthly popular engineering journal.

Founders: Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation , Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System, Corporation Integral Electric Power Complex, Scientific and Technical Firm "Energoprogress", All-Russia Electra Trade Union, Noncommercial Partnership "Scientific and Technical Council of the Unified Energy System".

The journal is meant for: Managers, engineers, specialists for energetic companies, local network companies, project, installation and commissioning organizations, leading energetics and specialists for energetic services of industrial companies, leading professors of high schools, training institutions and institutions for scientific research.

Included in the List of leading reviewed scientific editions.

Covers practical aspects of organizational, operational and corrective maintenance of the unions and enterprises of the energy complex, the experience of economic and market activity, scientific and technical achievements and social problems of power industry. The journal publishes two applications: "Bibliotechka electrical" and "Energy abroad"

Leading newspaper for the power industry sector of Russia

Published since: 2000

Frequency: Twice per month

Format: A3; circulation: 26,000; pages: 40-50

Distributed throughout the Russian Federation

Information on the status and prospects of the Russian power industry, as well as oil and gas, chemical and mining industries, machine and apparatus construction, metallurgy - in relation to power industry; information and analytical articles, exclusive interviews, description of new technologies.

The Expert Council of the newspaper brings together the heads and specialists of industrial companies in different fields, government, research and project offices.

Free and open access to all information in the portal daily news, prompt placement of companies’ press releases, catalog of companies and specialized websites, newspaper archives, regulations library, information about industry events, tenders, bookstore, message board, forum.

Social and business scientific journal "Energy Policy" has been published since 1995. Since 2019 the journal founder is the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency". The journal covers various aspects of development of the global and Russian fuel and energy sector. The writers of the journal are heads of federal and regional authorities, oil and gas companies and analytical agencies, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading scientists, experts and industry analysts. Target audience: scientific, business, analytical community.

Scientific and Technical Journal "Energy of Unified Grid" (Registration certificate: PI No. FS77-51276 dated 20.09.2012) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication aimed at consolidating information on research results, development and implementation of advanced technologies, materials and equipment in the power grid sector.

Founder: Rosseti, PJSC. Publisher: Rosseti R&D Center, JSC, published quarterly, circulation from 1,200 copies.

The journal is included into the List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The journal has a category of scientific importance - K2; it is included into the Russian Science Citation Index, subscription index - E70526. International Standard Serial Number – ISSN: 2306-8345.

The target audience: electric power industry professionals, scientists and engineers, researchers, teachers and students of power and technical universities, employees of sectoral ministries and departments, investment analysts and industry journalists.

BigpowerNews is an industry-specific information agency in the electric power industry.

BigpowerNews information resources - website and BigpowerNews telegram channel. is the oldest electric power industry website on the Russian-speaking Internet. It was launched more than 20 years ago. During all this time has been one of the key sources of data on the Russian and global power industry for industry professionals. gives you the opportunity to monitor the situation on the power industry markets and predict possible trends in their development. The resource provides detailed information about all the most important events in the industry. It provides its subscribers with information reviews with detailed coverage of the issues of state regulation of the electricity and capacity markets and the activities of Russian energy companies, as well as data on trading on the wholesale energy market.

The BigpowerNews Telegram channel with an audience of over 5,000 subscribers is a reliable and efficient source of information about the Russian power industry.

The magazine was founded in 2007, during the reform of RAO UES. Now Energypois is one of the oldest publications in Russia, a magazine with the name, history and reputation of an expert on topics related to the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation and the main directions of development of the energy industry in the world.

Communication Agency Neftegaz.RU the leader in the information field of the fuel and energy complex since 2000. Is a multi-profile platform: news website, Marketplace and business magazines.

Attendance of the news website is more than 30 000 people per day The website contains operational information, news, and analytics.

Marketplace Neftegaz.RU-this is an electronic B2B-Commerce platform.

Business magazine Neftegaz.RU- monthly publication which is in the HCC list.

Russian Business Guide is an authoritative platform for business communication and building new connections. The aim of the magazine is to build perspective business cooperation between Russia and foreign countries, support exporting companies, present the investment potential of Russia at the international level, enable Russian companies to make themselves known in the Russian and foreign markets, and show the activities of foreign companies in Russia.

The magazine is an official information partner forums and venues.

Журнал «УГОЛЬ» - ежемесячное научно-техническое и производственно-экономическое издание. Основан в октябре 1925 года. Учредители: Министерство энергетики Российской Федерации, Редакция журнала «Уголь». Издатель: ООО «Редакция журнала «Уголь». Журнал является центральным изданием и проводником государственной политики в угольной промышленности России. Освещает состояние и перспективы развития угольной отрасли, работу предприятий, новости горной техники и технологии добычи, переработки и использования угля, вопросы охраны труда, промышленной безопасности, экологии, социальную тематику, вопросы реструктуризации, экономическую информацию, рынок угля. Печатает заметки из регионов, хронику, материалы горных выставок, конференций, конгрессов, официальные документы, историю Горного дела, зарубежный опыт.