Archive 2023. Business Programme 2023. The International Agenda

/ / Business Programme 2023

Sustainable Development and the Climate The Development of the Fuel and Energy Sector The International Agenda Scientific and Technological Development, and the Digital Transformation

October 11, 2023

Manege, –2nd floor, conference hall C

The International Agenda

Russia and China: The Ash and Slag Route

Russia and China are connected by a long-standing partnership. In spring 2023, the two countries agreed to deepen this partnership, in part by providing support to enterprises and implementing projects in the coal and electricity industries, as well as the sustainable, including green, development and introduction of research and technologies. The handling of ash and slag waste (ASW) is one possible area for collaboration. The generation of ASW is an integral part of energy production at coal-fired power plants. Russia’s strategic sectoral documents prioritize increasing the volume of recycling ASW and using it in various industries. China has already conducted significant technological groundwork in this regard by putting more than 70% of ASW back into economic circulation. What are some of the specific technological features of using ASW in various sectors of the economy? How have Russia and China established legal and technical regulation for recycling ASW? How should the best model of government regulation be selected: with an emphasis on incentives or imperative requirements for the use of ASW? How can we establish cooperation in the exchange of ASW disposal technologies? What are the most promising areas for scientific cooperation between Russia and China in the disposal of ASW?

Vadim Kovalev — Advisor to the General Director for Interaction with Government Authorities and Sustainable Development, Ural Steel Management Company

Mehri Aliev — Director, Russian-Chinese Research Center for Digital Economy
Pavel Barilo — Executive Director, Siberian Generation Company
Dmitry Belyaev — General Director, RusHydro CS; Director of Strategic Transactions Department, RusHydro
Irina Zolotova — General Director, National Association of Secondary Material Application
Andrey Maximov — Head of the Department of Electric Power Development, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Wen Peng — General Manager, SRON Silo Engineering
Yui Xiao — Director, Research Center for Digital Development of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Administration Institute
Denis Terekhov — Deputy, Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Krai

October 11, 2023

Manege, –2nd floor, conference hall B

The International Agenda

Scenarios of Global Energy Development

Traditional energy has been a reliable support for the global economy for decades, but today, given the global trend towards decarbonization, continuing down this familiar path is no longer acceptable. Exceeding the reasonable amount of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere causes irreversible climate change, which means that developing eco-friendly and sustainable energy sources is crucial. However, the current energy transition should not be carried out to the detriment of other important socioeconomic objectives for global development or impede the achievement of the 7th UN Sustainable Development Goal to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. The dissonance arising from this is challenging the global community to deal with pressing issues of energy development without harming the environment and climate. What are the possible long-term scenarios for the global energy development? How should the global fuel and energy sector be structured by 2050 to ensure the solution to the triune problem of climate sustainability, energy security, and the availability of energy resources? What are the main scenarios for the development of the global and Russian energy sectors? Should the energy transition be symmetrical for all countries? Is there a rational technological choice that could simultaneously provide solutions to the major challenges in the development of the global fuel and energy industry?

Irina Gaida — Deputy Director of the Project Center for Energy Transition and ESG Principles, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)

Abderrezak Benyoucef — Head of the Energy Studies Department, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Karin Kneissl — Head of the G.O.R.K.I. Centre (Geopolitical Observatory on Key Issues in Russia), St. Petersburg University; Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2017–2019)
Vyacheslav Kulagin — Head, Department for Research of the Energy Complex for Russia and the World, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexey Kulapin — General Director, Russian Energy Agency (REA) of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
Erick Jacinto Perez Rodriguez — Deputy Minister for Hydrocarbons, Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Nuki Agya Utama — Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy
Galia Fazelyanova — Energy Economics Analyst, Energy Economics and Forecasting Department, Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

October 12, 2023

Manege, 1st floor, Plenary conference hall

The International Agenda

Global Energy Award Ceremony
The Global Oil and Gas Market: Navigating a Period of Turbulence

The global oil and gas market is once again going through challenging times as a result of enormous pressure from geopolitical factors. The sanctions imposed against Russia, the short-sighted actions of Western countries with respect to their energy policies, and the growing volatility of energy prices have created an unprecedented level of uncertainty on the market. This has resulted in an imbalance that is having a major negative impact on economies around the world and has already led to runaway inflation in numerous countries. For Russia, one of the leaders on the global energy markets, this situation poses a serious challenge, but it also is creating new opportunities. How has the global geopolitical crisis impacted the world’s oil and gas market, and what are the current projections for how the market will develop in the coming years? How is Russia adapting to these new conditions? What role will OPEC and the GECF play in the future world economy? What steps and measures are countries taking to regain stability? Is the environmental agenda still relevant in the current realities?

Sergey Brilev — President, The Global Energy Association

Muhammad Ali — Caretaker Federal Minister of Energy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Radovan Viskovic — Prime Minister of the Republic of Srpska
Alexander Novak — Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Javad Owji — Minister of Petroleum of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Delcy Eloina Rodriguez Gomez — Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Parviz Shahbazov — Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 12, 2023

Manege, –2nd floor, conference hall D

The International Agenda

Russia–Africa: Prospects for Cooperation in Energy

The African continent is one of the fastest growing energy markets in the world. This is due to the growing economic and demographic potential of African nations, as well as the efforts of many of them to combat climate change. However, substantial investment and infrastructure development is required to realize this potential. Based on the friendly ties between Russia and African states, Russian fuel and energy companies are implementing several promising projects to increase the level of electrification in Africa, which contributes to achieving the 7th UN Sustainable Development Goal – ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. To implement new energy projects on the African continent, Russian companies can offer their knowledge and ready-made technologies for the construction and operation of electrical power facilities, such as power plants, electrical networks, and solar and wind installations, which will enable African countries to develop their economies and improve living standards. What public policies are African countries adopting to ensure sustainable energy development? How do the activities of Russian companies fit into this context? What challenges are there along this path? What financial support measures can be provided for projects?

Alexey Gromov — Principal Director on Energy Studies, Institute for Energy and Finance

NJ Ayuk — Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber
Simon-Pierre Boussim — Minister of Energy Transition, Mines and Quarries of Burkina Faso
Mayen Wol Jong Mayen — Undersecretary, Ministry of Petroleum of the Republic of South Sudan
Bintou Camara — Minister of Energy and Water of the Republic of Mali
Oleg Ozerov — Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Maxim Sergeev — General Director, Inter RAO – Export LLC
Galia Fazelyanova — Energy Economics Analyst, Energy Economics and Forecasting Department, Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)
Nikolay Shulginov — Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

Front row participants:
Vladimir Demyanov — Deputy Director – Head of Hydro Power Division, Power Machines
Vyacheslav Terentyev — Deputy General Director for Business Development, Zarubezhneft