October 11, 2023
Federal State Budgetary Cultural Institution Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, Kremlin
Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve

Federal State Budgetary Cultural Institution Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, Kremlin
The Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve comprises the Armoury Chamber and the architectural ensemble of Sobornaya Square. This ensemble encompasses the Dormition, Archangel, and Annunciation Cathedrals, along with the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, the Patriarch’s Palace, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, as well as exhibition halls located within the Dormition Belfry and the One-Pillar Chamber of the Patriarch's Palace.
You can access the Kremlin through the Kutafya Tower and the Armoury via the Borovitsky Gate. Due to potential queues, we recommend planning your visit to the Moscow Kremlin Museums in advance (30–40 minutes).
The ticket must be purchased by participants themselves tickets.kreml.ru/?id=1&sid=1
October 11, 2023
State Tretyakov Gallery, 10, Lavrushinsky Pereulok
State Tretyakov Gallery

State Tretyakov Gallery, 10, Lavrushinsky Pereulok
Today, the historic building of the Tretyakov Gallery houses an exposition of Russian art from the 12th century to the early 20th century. It occupies 62 rooms on two floors, is organized into chronological sections, and provides an insight into the development of the national artistic tradition.
The ticket must be purchased by participants themselves tretyakovgallery.ru/tickets/exhibitions/
October 11, 2023
New Tretyakov Gallery, 10, Ulitsa Krymsky Val
New Tretyakov Gallery

New Tretyakov Gallery, 10, Ulitsa Krymsky Val
The exhibition of Russian art from the second half of the 20th century has been refreshed in Halls 27–35 and 37. In addition to the well-known masterpieces from the museum's collection, it showcases new acquisitions and gifts that have been contributed to the Tretyakov Gallery's collection in recent years. For the first time, the exhibition includes rooms dedicated to unofficial art from the 1960s–1980s and the latest trends of the late 20th century.
The ticket must be purchased by participants themselves tretyakovgallery.ru/tickets/#/buy/event/3775
October 11, 2023
Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, 12, Ulitsa Volkhonka
Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, 12, Ulitsa Volkhonka
The ticket must be purchased by participants themselves tickets.pushkinmuseum.art/?id=38&sid=782
October 11, 2023
Russia – My History historical park, 119, Prospekt Mira (Pavilion 57)
Russia – My History historical park

Russia – My History historical park, 119, Prospekt Mira (Pavilion 57)
The ticket must be purchased by participants themselves myhistorypark.ru/tickets/
October 11, 2023
Museum of Russian Impressionism, 15/11, Leningradsky Prospekt
Museum of Russian Impressionism

Museum of Russian Impressionism, 15/11, Leningradsky Prospekt
The ticket must be purchased by participants themselves rusimp.su/ru/tickets
October 11, 2023
Teatralnaya pl., 1
Gala concert to mark the opening of the 6th RUSSIAN ENERGY WEEK INTERNATIONAL FORUM

Teatralnaya pl., 1
Access by invitation
Gathering of guests from 18:30
The performance starts at 19:30