New generation energy meters to be introduced in Russia

August 10, 2017

The Ministry of Energy of Russia has drafted a phased approach to replacing electricity meters with new generation devices. “Smart” electricity meters will convey energy consumption data directly to the electric grid company, thereby obviating the need to take monthly meter readings.

Meters with expired certification life will be replaced with the new smart ones at the expense of grid companies. End consumers, however, may request early replacement as an option.

In the estimation of the grid company Rosseti, Russia’s retail electricity market boasts 9% coverage by automatic meters. Pilot projects have been launched in Kaliningrad, Yaroslavl and Tula. The nationwide meter replacement programme is scheduled to be launched in the summer of 2018.

Smart electricity technology is one of the main discussion topics at the Russian Energy Week. Current trends and possible innovations in the area will be the subject of such panel discussions as Smart Grids – Smart City, Industrial Internet in the Energy Industry, and others.
