Russian Energy Week 2018 dates set

December 12, 2017

The second ‘Russian Energy Week’ Energy Efficiency and Energy Development International Forum, Russia’s biggest annual trade event dedicated to analysing trends in the global fuel and energy complex, will take place in Moscow and St. Petersburg on 3–6 October 2018 with support from the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

Heads of state and government, top executives of the world’s energy majors, leading global experts, heads of Russian regions and journalists will take part in the Forum. As he pointed out the importance of national and international cooperation, Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that “for the first time, Russia offers such an important international platform – the Russian Energy Week, under whose auspices all significant international trade events take place. I am confident that the REW will help us not only chart a course for further development of energy as a whole, but to showcase our achievements, too.”

Sessions and meetings of a number of governmental and intergovernmental commissions, an All-Russia Meeting on Preparations for the Autumn and Winter Season, and the 8th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum (3–5 October 2018) will take place on the margins of the Forum.

An awards ceremony for winners of the All-Russia Contest among News Organizations, Fuel and Energy Company Press Services and MediaTEK Regional Organizations will take place as part of the REW 2018.

The Moscow City Government is heavily involved in hosting an International Mayors’ Summit on Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Development on the margins of the Russian Energy Week. The REW 2018 summit agenda will be expanded to include a whole range of topics applied to six key areas: buildings, transport, smart cities, heat supply, lighting and renewable energy sources. As a reminder, REW 2017 hosted a ceremony of accession of new participants to the international Declaration on Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Development, which has already brought together more than 40 cities from around the world. Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Anton Kobyakov has emphasized the important status of the Russian Energy Week: “Based on the results of this year’s Forum, we can say that the REW has become the key Russian venue for discussing the urgent global energy agenda. This is evidenced by the interest expressed in this event by statesmen such as the President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro and the Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia Khalid A. Al-Falih, as well as by respected international organizations, such as OPEC, led by its Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), led by its Director General Adnan Amin, among many others. The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Ministerial Meeting took place as a part of event .”

Key events of the Youth Day will include meetings between young fuel and energy workers and business leaders, where participants will be able to quiz industry professionals, company executives and Energy Ministry officials on subjects of interest to them.

The Roscongress Foundation will be the Russian Energy Week organizer.
