Russia to Host World Energy Congress in St Petersburg

September 13, 2019

At the closing ceremony of the 24th World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi, the right to host the anniversary 25th Congress, slated for 24-27 October 2022 in St Petersburg, was passed to Russia.

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Kozak took part in the official ceremony transferring the right to hold the Congress. “We accept the great honour of holding the World Energy Congress, passed along to us from our friends in the United Arab Emirates, and we will seek to preserve and enhance the best practices and experience accumulated for holding events of this kind. I am confident that the 2022 Congress will exceed all possible expectations. The key to success will be in holding up the bar, raised so high in Abu Dhabi, and preserving the atmosphere of partnership and support created here,” Kozak said in his speech. The Russian party also presented a video about St Petersburg to Congress delegates.

The flagship event of the World Energy Council (WEC) – the World Energy Congress – is the largest and most influential event of its kind in the energy sector, and it touches all aspects and news items of import to the energy industry. The World Energy Congress has been held every three years since 1924. The Congress traditionally hosts a specialized exhibition with the participation of energy companies, architectural firms, engineering outfits, construction companies, coal mining enterprises, companies involved in equipment manufacturing, contractors, financial institutions and investors, consultants and analysts, oil, gas, and energy companies, labour organizations, industry associations, and the media. The 25th World Energy Congress is being organized by the Roscongress Foundation.

According to Advisor to the Russian President and Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee in charge of preparing for and holding the 25th World Energy Congress in St Petersburg in 2022 Anton Kobyakov, the Russian National Committee of the World Energy Council is one of the council’s oldest members and a co-founder of the WEC, and it plays an important role in shaping the global energy agenda. “The World Energy Congress is attracting the attention of experts, energy industry specialists, and analysts from around the world. First and foremost, we are focussed on dialogue and building long-term relations with the international energy community and are confident that the congress in St Petersburg will serve as a foundation for the creation of promising and effective strategies for the development of sustainable energy,” Kobyakov said.
