Sergei Sobyanin: Moscow could not develop without energy monopolies

October 13, 2017
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin shared his vision of investment in major monopolies, including Mosvodokanal, Mosgaz, and electricity and heat supply systems, during Russian Energy Week.

“Without these monopolies, the development of the city and the economy as a whole would be impossible. Serious investments are essential and without them there would be no private investments. After all, if you don’t connect new facilities to the networks, entire residential micro-districts and enterprises would not be built in time. At the same time, it is impossible to constantly appease the growing requests of monopolies for investment. A lot of our plans for the development of industry and real estate are not always realized by any means. The abrupt reinvestment of monopolies leads to an abrupt increase in tariffs, which generally falls on the shoulders of the consumer and hinders the development of the economy”, Sobyanin said.

Sobyanin stressed that the city’s job is to establish a balance between major monopolies, the network infrastructure, and the consumer. “On the one hand, we must never kill an infrastructure company and we must provide an optimal tariff so that it develops. On the other hand, we must be on the side of the consumer and look at the quality of services and the amount of money that the monopoly invests in particular infrastructure so that the tariff does not increase”, he said.
