The All-Russia Forum on Promoting an Energy-Saving Lifestyle and Information Transparency in the Fuel and Energy Sector has been held

October 6, 2017

The All-Russia Forum on Promoting an Energy-Saving Lifestyle and Information Transparency in the Fuel and Energy Sector has been held

The All-Russia Forum on Promoting an Energy-Saving Lifestyle and Information Transparency in the Fuel and Energy Sector has been held as part of Russian Energy Week.

The meeting was attended by energy companies, energy ministries, utilities companies and the media, and was hosted by Deputy Minister of Energy Anton Inyutsyn.

“The main aim of the meeting was to establish our key objectives for 2018, and draw up some recommendations for regions and companies holding Russian national-scale events so that they are able to include them in their plans for the next year,” said the Deputy Minister at the Forum.

He stated that promotional activities are very important to ensure that new legislation and government initiatives are adopted that are beneficial for the fuel and energy sector. “Our openness and the the way we're perceived by people directly affect tariff and investment decisions, as well as working conditions,” Anton Inyutsyn added.

One of the key topics for discussion was the All-Russian Energy Saving Festival #BrighterTogether. The Deputy Minister for Energy said that the Brighter Together project has managed to reach an impressive scale, comparable to that of a well-known successful Soviet campaign, which encouraged people to turn out the light when leaving a room.

“The Brighter Together Festival has enabled us to get the issues that concern us, those responsible for electrical networks, across to large groups of people, including domestic and industrial users,” said the Head of Information Policy and Public Relations at Rosseti Dmitry Bobkov.

At the close of the meeting, the floor was opened for attendees from different regions to offer up their initiatives and comments.

Finally, Anton Inyutsyn conducted an award ceremony for the winners of the ENES All-Russian Contest of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Enhancement Projects.

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