Gostiny Dvor Exhibition Programme

/ / Gostiny Dvor Exhibition Programme

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex Technology and Data as the Foundation of Leadership Sustainable Energy Development

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, conference hall G

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex

Prospects for Climate Neutrality: Energy Transformation Scenarios in the Context of Low-Carbon Development

In recent years, there has been a debate at both the international and national levels about the risks that accompany the climate change that we are currently seeing and what we can expect in the future. The scientific community views climate change as a trend that is only going to increase and has determined the extent of its negative impact on the technical condition of energy infrastructure. The adaptability of critical energy system facilities as well as power grid and utility infrastructure is being disrupted due to the scale of the impact of physical climate risks, particularly given the obvious local changes that we are seeing in meteorological conditions today. In addition, the intensive materialization of transitional climate risks creates uncertainty about how to reduce the impact of manmade activities on climate change. The efforts to decarbonize the energy sector are becoming increasingly obvious, as evidenced by the unprecedented increase in the introduction of renewable energy sources, the use of energy and resource-efficient solutions, as well as the development of approaches that aim to provide solutions as part of the new technological order and within the context of a competitive global energy transition.

• What are the current prospects for achieving carbon neutrality?
• What barriers exist to the introduction of low-carbon technological solutions?
• How can we assess the impact of climate risks on energy infrastructure?
• What should be the focus of measures to adapt to the changing climate?

Olga Kondratieva — Head of the “Climate transformation of the energy industry” strategic project; Head of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"

Konstantin Artemyev — Deputy General Director - Director of Energy Policy, Russian Concern for Production of Electric and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants
Evgeny Gasho — Head of the Research Laboratory for Methodological Problems of Energy Saving, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"
Sergey Machekhin — Deputy General Director for Project Engineering, Sustainable Development and International Cooperation, RusHydro
Sergey Roginko
Alexey Spirin — Department Director, En+ Group

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, Amphitheatre conference hall

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex

The International Award for Scientific Research in the field of energy ‘Global Energy’

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, conference hall F

Technology and Data as the Foundation of Leadership

Energy Engineering: Development to Achieve Technological Sovereignty

For many years, Russia’s fuel and energy industry has been dependent on supplies of equipment and technology from unfriendly countries. This has resulted in an increased risk of equipment shortages within the industry, particularly in the current situation with all the uncertainty on the external technology market. According to optimistic estimates, Russian companies have now passed the point of their highest dependence on Western technologies in the fuel and energy sector, and Russia is optimistically cautious that is can achieve technological sovereignty in power engineering in the next three to five years. The government is devoting great attention to support for investment projects. It has developed a wide range of support tools and measures and also defined a taxonomy of technological sovereignty. In the coming years, national manufacturers are expected to play a greater role, which will fully satisfy the industry’s need for high-tech equipment and strengthen the country’s position on the global energy market. What has changed over the past few years in the share of foreign technologies and equipment in the Russian fuel and energy sector? What prospects exist for developing joint programmes to expand cooperation between power engineering enterprises within the Eurasian Economic Union and Shanghai Cooperation Organization? How can we establish interaction between industry companies, machine-building enterprises, and universities in reverse engineering? How is the standardization programme being implemented in power engineering?

Anatoly Zamriy — First Deputy Chairman of the Council, Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists of Russia; Member of the Coordination Council for Import Substitution of Oil and Gas Equipment under the Government Commission on Import Substitution

Matvey Airapetov — Deputy Director of the Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Ivan Kleinrock — Acting Deputy General Director - Technical Director, Gazprom Energoholding Industrial Assets
Nikolay Kuznetsov — General Director, Institute of Oil and Gas Technological Initiatives
Vladimir Matyukhin — Director, Scientific and Innovation Engineering Center “Power Adaptive Photonics and Solar Aerospace Energy”, MIREA - Russian Technological University
Ruslan Pakhomov — Deputy General Director, Head of the Thermal Power Engineering Division, Power Machines
Alexander Sakevich — General Director, Oil and Gas Cluster
Mikhail Smirnov — President, Association of Innovative Enterprises in the Energy Industry "EnergoInnovation"
Alexander Frolov — Deputy General Director for Technical Policy and Engineering, T Plus

Front row participant:
Orest Kasparov — Deputy Head, Federal Agency for the Subsoil Use (Rosnedra)

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, conference hall G

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex

New Technologies, Materials, and Equipment for Distributed Energy

Improving the efficiency, reliability, and quality of power supply is a strategic goal. One way to improve energy efficiency is to reduce grid costs by using distributed energy facilities located in close proximity to the consumer. Distributed energy has great potential to improve the energy efficiency of the economy and meet the demand for innovative domestic equipment. Developing distributed energy will help solve problems that have accumulated in the industry, ensure reliable and efficient supplies to autonomous energy facilities, and rectify shortcomings in centralized energy. It is crucial to continue coming up with innovative technological solutions, in particular new materials and modern equipment, in order to further develop distributed energy.

• What new and innovative technologies, materials, and equipment for distributed energy are being developed in the current realities?
• How could the development of digital twins help with the further design, manufacturing, and operation of energy facilities that run on renewable energy sources?
• How important is it to build autonomous hybrid energy facilities that run on renewable energy sources and energy storage systems that can operate in parallel with autonomous energy sources in isolated energy districts?
• How are composite materials used for distributed energy equipment?
• What are some of the problems associated with using inverter systems for autonomous plants based on SMA equipment with various types of energy storage devices?

Mikhail Tyagunov — Professor, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"

Mikhail Baryshnikov — Director of the Department for Innovation and Technology, Techsnabexport
Alexey Vaskov — Associate Professor, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"
Yury Zelenetsky — Technical Director, Epsilon

Alexey Kremer — General Director, Enelt Group
Roman Polyakov — Professor, Oryol State University

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, conference hall G

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex

How Green Energy Goes from Being Expensive and Imposed to Effective Technical Symbiosis

Providing a diverse range of consumers with inexpensive and eco-friendly energy is a crucial task of our times. Hybrid energy sources and small heat and power supply systems for consumers based on new renewable energy sources (NRES) and local resources successfully solve the problem of efficient and reliable energy supply. The dozens and hundreds of projects that have been implemented to supply power to private homes, small settlements, small industries, and agricultural enterprises clearly demonstrate the wide range of capabilities for the use of natural energy.

• What are some of the optimal areas where combined NRES sources can be used?
• What measures and mechanisms are needed to support hybrid systems?
• How can we assemble disparate NRES elements into a single whole to build efficient systems?

Evgeny Gasho — Head of the Research Laboratory for Methodological Problems of Energy Saving, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"

Matvey Airapetov — Deputy Director of the Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Hayk Bagdasaryan — Advisor to the General Director, Territory Development Fund
Petr Bobylev — Director of the Coal Industry Department, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Vitaly Kovalchuk — Head of the Department of Electric Power, Nuclear, Renewable Energy and Heat Supply, Government of the Russian Federation
Evgeny Kolmogorov — Deputy Head, Union of Russian Cities
Aleksey Konev — Director for Innovation, "Russian Energy Agency" (REA) by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Andrey Temerov — Chairman, Green Kilowatt Association
Vladimir Chuprov — Executive Director, Nature Conservation Association

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, Amphitheatre conference hall

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex

Use of Digital Technologies in the Energy Transition: Virtual Power Plants and Other Solutions

Most countries have set ambitious targets in their national energy strategies for the decarbonization of the fuel and energy sector. Achieving the goals of the energy transition requires fundamental changes in the global energy sector, specifically the decarbonization of economies through the introduction of low-carbon generation, the electrification of transport and heating, and increased energy efficiency. The global renewable energy sector continues to demonstrate record growth rates: renewable energy sources accounted for 87% of the global increase in energy capacity in 2023. However, the significant increase in the share of renewable energy sources in national energy balances requires the adaptation of both long-term planning systems and solutions for managing the operating mode of energy systems, including those that ensure an effective balance in renewable energy generation. The active use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence is helping to significantly optimize these processes due to the widespread introduction of intelligent systems that can forecast electricity production and consumption, conduct equipment diagnostics at energy facilities, and manage demand and energy storage systems.
The concept of a virtual power plant is one cost-effective solution for integrating a high share of renewable energy sources into an energy system.

• What digital technologies and solutions are regarded as the most promising for the energy sector?
• What experience do Russian companies already have in introducing them?
• What challenges does the domestic energy sector face and how can digitalization help solve them?
• What kind of prospects does Russia have for the development of virtual plants?

Alexey Zhikharev — Director, Russia Renewable Energy Development Association; Director, ENSOLVE

Mikhail Andronov — President, Rusenergosbyt
Oleg Barkin — Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board, NP Market Council; General Director, Energy Certification Center

Natalia Mayer — General Director, Atomenergopromsbyt

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, conference hall F

Sustainable Energy Development

Anti-Crisis in Action. How Do Companies Counter Hidden Pressure in the Era of Information Chaos?

In today’s turbulent world amidst growing reputational risks, new anti-crisis tools are needed. This why the role of effective communication in the strategic development of fuel and energy companies is becoming an increasingly important priority. This is particularly evident in the context of information chaos and pressure. Communications specialists are transforming their skills, and new tools and technologies for interacting with target audiences are emerging to effectively implement business strategies and achieve economic results. In addition to new digital technologies, energy companies will have to adapt to the new public agenda and break their existing patterns. The polarization of society, the growing amount of digital content, and cancel culture are creating precedents for a communicator to transform into the role of a negotiator. Such skills as the ability to adapt to digital content in any conditions, create and manage information flows, establish and develop communities, and build effective communications both within a company and with government agencies are now taking on greater importance.
In the current conditions, the brands of fuel and energy companies are more vulnerable than ever. Despite this, they continue to implement their corporate social responsibility programmes, support cultural and environmental projects, and develop internal communications.

• What are the best approaches for creating a communications strategy amidst such turbulence and a short planning horizon, taking into account the new constraints and new opportunities?
• How should they work with the media when the media essentially no longer exists?
• How can we develop anti-crisis communications (technologies to combat fakes and fact-checking)?
• How should we use digital technologies to optimize all communications processes?

Irina Esipova


Maria Dokuchaeva — Chief Advisor, Rosseti
Svetlana Kolosova — President, Staraya Ploshchad Consulting Group
Ekaterina Kolyada — Member of the Board, Russian Association of Communication Directors and Corporate Publishing
Margarita Nagoga — Director of the Corporate Communications Department, RusHydro
Andrey Timonov — Acting Director of the Communications Department, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
Alexey Firsov — Founder, Platforma Social Design Centre; Vice President, Russian Association of Public Relations (RAPR)

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, Amphitheatre conference hall

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex

Transformation of Urban Infrastructure: On the Path to the Internet of Energy

In recent years, numerous trends have been actively transforming the engineering and utility infrastructure of cities around the world. Ecology, climate, rapid changes in economic activity, the sweeping electrification of industrial production and transport, and increased demand for digital-quality energy have all led to increased demand for electricity and also set brand-new requirements for energy supply. On the flip side, solutions such as distributed energy production, energy storage, consumption management, the creation of prosumers and microgrids, the integration of various infrastructure (electricity, heat, gas, water supply, sanitation, and electric vehicle charging), and the widespread distribution of digital services are creating new opportunities for the development of urban energy and other urban infrastructure.

• What is happening with urban energy around the world and what trends are typical for Russian cities?
• What innovations in urban energy in Russia are ripe and ready for large-scale application?
• What barriers to their introduction have not yet been overcome?

Oleg Grinko — Working Group Co-Head, EnergyNet NTI

Artem Denisov — Founder of the electrical energy storage company Volts, founder of the QET design institute
Yury Kalabin — Head of the Strategic Development Department, Rosseti
Ekaterina Kvasha — Deputy General Director, Center for Strategic Research
Elena Kolosok — General Director, Foresight Foundation
Yury Kondakov — Director, Regional Center for Energy Saving of Moscow State Public Institution "Energy"
Natalya Nevmerzhitskaya — Chairman of the Board, Association of Energy Suppliers
Dmitry Kholkin — Director, Infrastructure Center Energinet, North-West Strategic Research Center Foundation
Pavel Shulyakov — Advisor to the General Director, Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, conference hall G

Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for the Fuel and Energy Complex

‘Full Charge’: Prospects for the Development of Electric Transport in Russia

The rapid development of the global electric transport market offers Russia unique opportunities to establish itself as a key player in the transition to a sustainable transport system. The Russian government has set ambitious goals in its ‘Concept for the Development of the Production and Use of Electric Automobile Transport in the Russian Federation until 2030’. However, the successful implementation of these goals requires a thorough analysis of the existing regulatory framework and a profound understanding of potential obstacles to the establishment of a full-fledged electric transport ecosystem.

• What factors are holding back the development of electric transport and charging infrastructure in Russia?
• What has the biggest impact on the development of the electric transport market and the electric charging infrastructure that has been created in Russia?
• What additional support measures and changes to regulations are needed to develop the electric transport market and charging infrastructure in Russia?
• How can we effectively bring together the main market players?

Anton Zubkov — Executive Director, Digital Energy Association

Rustam Abulmambetov — Head of Department, Department for Development of Economic Sectors, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Ilya Belavintsev — Director, Association for the Development of Technologies for Electricity Storage Systems (ARTSNE)
Alexander Bukhvalov — Quality Director, Head of the Electric Mobility business area, TVEL
Iya Gordeyeva — Chairperson, Association for the Development of Electric, Unmanned, and Connected Transport and Infrastructure (AETI)
Konstantin Kravchenko — Deputy General Director for Digital Transformation, Rosseti
Andrey Kuvshinov — Andrey Kuvshinov, Director, Digital Energy and Commercial Dispatching Department, Rosenergoatom Concern
Vladimir Khlebnikov — Deputy General Director of Parus Electro
Leonid Churilov — General Director, EZS RusHydro

September 26, 2024

Gostiny Dvor, conference hall F

Technology and Data as the Foundation of Leadership

Science in the Fuel and Energy Industry: Together, We Will Succeed

Modern science plays a key role in the development of the fuel and energy industry, since it provides the innovative solutions and technologies needed to improve its efficiency. The main goals include introducing advanced scientific developments, creating innovative technologies, and optimizing production processes. Science and industry can combine their efforts to help develop new approaches and methods that ensure the sustainable development of the energy sector. Particular attention needs to be paid to such issues as personnel training, joint research, and creating the conditions needed to incorporate scientific achievements into practice. How important is it for the scientific community and industry to cooperate in solving urgent problems facing the energy sector? What are some successful examples of scientific achievements being integrated into fuel and energy practices? How is high-quality education and scientific research affecting the future of the fuel and energy industry? What should be the strategic focuses of scientific and technological work in order to achieve the long-term sustainability and development of the fuel and energy sector?

Oleg Zhdaneev — Advisor General Director – Head of Import Substitution in Oil and Energy Complex Competence Center, Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Sergey Aldoshin — Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences
Darya Borisova — Member of the Board – Managing Director for Development and Innovations, SIBUR
Eduard Volkov — Chairman of the Scientific Council on Complex Problems of Energy Development, Russian Academy of Sciences
Aleksander Dyakonov — Rector, Almetyevsk State Technological University "Higher School of Oil"